Members of the Board of Consultors
The Boylan Catholic High School Board of Consultors provides advice, counsel, and assistance to Boylan's president and seeks to uphold the mission and vision of the school.
Monsignor Glenn Nelson — Chair
Vicar General, Moderator of the Curia, Diocese of Rockford
Tom Giovingo '74 — Vice Chair
Retired Senior Vice President of Fidelitone, Inc.
Sonia Jass '98 — Secretary
Global Manager, Wilo USA
Joseph Altenhoff
Project Manager of Arc Design Resources, Inc.
Marifran Georgis '95
Senior Vice President, Associated Bank
Michael Iasparro '94
Partner, Hinshaw & Culbertson
Very Rev. Phillip Kaim
Pastor, Holy Family Church
Ellen B. Lynch
Consultant, Former General Counsel Diocese of Rockford
Lynn Cuppini McConville '68
Retired, Former Boylan Catholic Advancement Director
Rev. Jhonatan Sarmiento
Pastor, St. James Parish Rockford and Diocesan Tribunal
Tony Scandroli '96
Vice President at Scandroli Construction