School Uniforms

Boylan Catholic High School expects its students to follow certain dress code regulations. Uniforms are worn every day. Uniform rules are in effect from the first bell of the morning to the last bell of the day. Students who are sent home for being out of uniform will be considered unexcused and will serve a detention. If the uniform requirement needs to be modified due to medical necessity, the Dean of Students will determine appropriate uniform requirements. Boylan uniforms need to be purchased from Lands' End, the school's code is: 900205626

Boys' Uniform Regulations


Uniform trousers are to be worn at the waist in unaltered fashion with a dress belt. The length of the trousers should not exceed beyond the top of the heel of the shoe.

Dress Shirts

WHITE DRESS SHIRT.  A dress shirt is one that has a collar, with buttons completely down the front and is designed to be worn with a tie.  Shirts are to be worn tucked into trousers.


Only plain white T-shirts may be worn under the uniform shirt.


Ties are to be worn beginning November 1st through May 1st. Shirts are to have the collar buttoned.

Sport Coats

Boys must wear the uniform sport coat beginning November 1st through May 1st.


Boys may wear dress or athletic shoes (view examples at Sandals, slides, slippers, and Crocs are not permitted. If there is a question, the Dean of Students will decide if the footwear is appropriate.

Examples: Photos for illustrative purposes only.

Example 1:

Solid brown, black, dark navy, or white. Slight color variation of sole/trim is acceptable. Shoes must have sides and backs.


Example 2:

Solid brown, black, dark navy, or white. "Deck" style acceptable. Slight color variation of sole/trim is acceptable as illustrated here. Shoes must have sides and backs.



Example 3:

Solid brown, black, dark navy, or white. Canvas material is acceptable. Small logo (as illustrated here) is acceptable. Traditional gym shoes are unacceptable with uniform pants.


Example 4:

Athletic shoes (predominantly black, brown, or white).


Checkerboard style shoes (regardless of brand) are not acceptable.


A boy’s haircut is considered part of the Boylan uniform. Hair is to be kept neat, clean, and professional. Extreme hairstyles and unnatural colors (other than black, brown, blonde, red/auburn) are not acceptable. The school does not prohibit hairstyles that are historically associated with race, ethnicity, or hair texture, including, but not limited to protective hairstyles such as braids, locks, and twists.  If there are questions, the Dean of Students will decide.

Facial Hair

Beards, mustaches, long sideburns (below the earlobe) are not permitted. Students are expected to be clean-shaven daily (even with proper face covering).


Jewelry consistent with the school uniform may be worn (a class ring, watch). Earrings (even if covered), are unacceptable. Body piercing jewelry is not allowed (even with proper covering).

Girls' Uniform Regulations


Uniform skirts are to be worn in an unaltered fashion. All skirts must reach within three inches of the knee cap or the size of a 3"x3" square post-it-note.


The uniform sweater must be worn beginning November 1st through May 1st.


The uniform blouse consists of a white tailored shirt-type blouse with a pointed collar or buttoned-down collar with white buttons down the front. Blouses must be purchased from the uniform company.


Only plain white T-shirts may be worn under the uniform blouse.


Girls may wear dress or athletic shoes (view examples at Sandals, slides, slippers, Crocs, high heels, and mules are not permitted. Footless, thigh-high, fishnet, or lace stockings are not permitted. If there is a question, the Dean of Students will decide.

Examples: Photos for illustrative purposes only.

Example 1:

Solid black, brown, dark navy, or white "canvas" style shoes acceptable. Slight color variation of sole/trim acceptable. Socks must be visible. Shoes must be closed-toe, closed heel, with sides. All shoes must have "flat" soles (heel no higher than 2 cm.) Small logo acceptable.


Example 2:

Solid black, brown, dark navy, or white dress-style shoes acceptable. Slight color variation of sole/trim acceptable. Socks must be visible. Shoes must be closed-toe, closed heel, with sides. All shoes must have "flat" soles (heel no higher than 2 cm).


Example 3:

Solid black, brown, dark navy, or white "deck" style shoes acceptable. Slight color variation acceptable (as illustrated.) Socks must be visible. Shoes must be closed-toe, closed heel, with sides. All shoes must have "flat" soles (heel no higher than 2 cm.) Small logo acceptable.



Example 4:

Athletic shoes (predominantly black, brown, or white).


Checkerboard style shoes (regardless of brand) are not acceptable.

Hair Styles

A girl's haircut is considered part of the Boylan uniform. Hair is to be kept neat, clean, and professional. Extreme hairstyles and unnatural colors (other than black, brown, blonde, red/auburn) are not acceptable. The school does not prohibit hairstyles that are historically associated with race, ethnicity, or hair texture, including, but not limited to protective hairstyles such as braids, locks, and twists.  If there are questions, the Dean of Students will decide.


Jewelry consistent with the school uniform may be worn (a class ring, earrings, watch). Body piercing jewelry is also not allowed (even with proper covering).


Make-up should be in acceptable good taste.


Lands' End uniform pants. For warmth, tights or solid (black/navy) leggings with socks are acceptable. Tights or leggings may not be of lace or fishnet material. No pajama pants, sweatpants, leg warmers, long underwear, jeans, etc. may be worn under the uniform skirt during the school day.

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(815) 877-0531
4000 Saint Francis Drive
Rockford, Illinois 61103-1661

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