Since 1985, the Alumni Board has served the more than 18,000 graduates of Boylan and its heritage school’s Muldoon and St. Thomas.
The purpose of the Alumni Board is to advance Boylan’s mission by:
- Creating a united, informed, and energized network of alumni who support the spiritual, academic, and extracurricular programs at Boylan.
- Organizing alumni resources, both human and financial, for the benefit of the Boylan community.
- Serving alumni by offering a wide range of activities and programs.
- Encouraging alumni to maintain a lifelong relationship with Boylan.
- Enhancing the three major areas of the Boylan Advancement Office: Friends, Funds, and Freshmen.
If you are interested in serving a three-year term on the Alumni Board, please contact Advancement Director Mr. Brandon Swanson '11 for more information.
Alumni Board 2023-2024
Steven Gregg '89
Shelby Anderson Moore '92
Kerry Beaulieu '94
Matthew Brandt '12
Mark Chapman '10
Peter Dunn '01
Tom Giovingo '74
Jeffrey Hohn '87
Kimberly Madden '09
Jeff Marrs '09
Nick Nelson ‘85
Anabel Nosek '17
Kristin Tussing '99
James "Gary" Wilson '64
Victor Zamora '12