Announcements & News

On Thursday, February 8, Boylan will host Gloria Purvis for an all-school presentation given by Gloria Purvis

On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 9:20am, Gloria Purvis of University of Notre Dame will give an all-school presentation entitled “Human Dignity and the Call to Racial Justice” at Boylan.

Gloria Purvis is a Pastoral Fellow for the University of Notre Dame Office of Life and Human Dignity. The purpose of her role is to enhance the impact of pastoral leaders, focusing mostly on developing a Catholic response to the sin of racism. This presentation is intended to share the message of the importance of racial equity. 

Gloria Purvis graduated from Cornell University and worked in the mortgage industry for nearly 20 years. She has also served on many boards to include the National Black Catholic Congress' Leadership Commission on Social Justice, the Advisory Board for the Maryland Catholic Conference's Respect for Life Department and the Archdiocese of Washington's Pastoral Council. Purvis is currently a full-time stay-at-home mom, the host and executive producer of the Gloria Purvis Podcast and a consultant for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Religious Liberty. 

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