Announcements & News

The Bill and Liza Derry Scholarship is a program which seeks out high school seniors who will be 1st-generation college students.

Mr. and Mrs. Derry offer them monetary support through four years of college education as well as partnership with mentors along the way to support these students in their career preparation. The scholarships pays for 100% of 2 years at Rock Valley College, and then 75% of tuition for the next 2 years at a university. Typically, the scholarship is only awarded to two or three students, but this year, four stood out, so an exception was made for these exemplary Titans.


Congratulations to Juan Mendoza, Joseph Van Aken, Ingrid Ibarra, and Paul Poirer for earning this life-changing opportunity, and thanks again to Bill and Liza Derry for their generosity in supporting our students in their futures!